Best Books about Biophilia and Biophilic Design

There are hundreds of books and articles about well designed homes, mindful living, and biophilic design, and I have read many of the articles and some of the books I would like to share here.

The best handbook I have found for residential interiors is Biophilia you+nature+home written by Sally Coulthard. It is a page turner and beautifully illustrated which makes it easy to learn and remember all the steps for you to implement biophilic design at home.

The second book is Biophilic Design. If you want to have a deep knowledge about the subject I highly recommend this book. It has 98 articles all written by biologists, designers and architects including proven resources about positive effects on humans.

Biophilic Design: The Theory, Science and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life

books about biophilic design

My Biopilia Books Library

I love all of these books and I hope you will find something you enjoy and learn from too.

Most inspirational one on my list

The title of the books explains it so well! Biophilia: A handbook for bringing the natural world into your life

My Favorite Study Book

If you want to dive deep into the subject of Biophilic Design you should get this one too! I love how the book is divided by the contents which make it quite easy to find everything about Biophilia and Biophilic design from the theory to practice!

So many amazing examples from all around the world!

I have the paper book which is not available right now. This is a link will take you to the digital version on the Living Future Institute website. I also highly recommend their 3-Week Biophilic Design Intensive Course which I completed in 2021.

I enjoy not only reading this book also looking all the photos inside!

In this book according to Donald Ruggles beauty can make a vital difference in our lives, including improving many aspects of our well-being. With beautiful photos and explanatory graphics and also with all the essential information this book should be in your library as well.

Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder

I care about children and their well-being very much and I am glad I read this book so I can talk about it with other parents and educators about the importance of nature on children’ happiness and health.

The first book ever about Biophilia

Edward O. Wilson is a famous biologist and this book is his reflection his own response to nature and the essential connection between humans and the rest of the living organisms.

14 Patterns of Biophilic Design

This is the first article I have read about Biophilic Design and I learned so much about it. It is free and you can download from this link


Biophilia a Love Story